A Week in the Horn

A Week in the Horn 7.06.2024

The Ethiopian National Dialogue Commission begins the Agenda-item Gathering Process

Ethiopian and Singaporean Foreign Ministers Hold Extensive Bilateral Discussions

Ethiopia Calls for Strong Partnership during its Participation in the Korea-Africa Ministers Meeting

Saudi Arabia’s Business Delegation Pays a Visit to Ethiopia

Ethiopia Inks the Final Act on Intellectual Property, Genetic Resources and Associated Traditional Knowledge

Boeing Chooses Ethiopia to be its African Headquarters



Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed arrived in Singapore on Wednesday (June 5) for a three-day state visit hosted by Prime Minister Lawrence Wong. During the visit, the two leaders signed agreements to enhance transport cooperation and establish regular dialogue between their foreign ministries. Additionally, a memorandum of understanding was signed to create a bilateral consultation mechanism for ongoing dialogue on cooperation and regional developments.

In related news, Ethiopia’s Foreign Minister, Ambassador Taye Atske-Selassie, held substantive discussions with his Singaporean counterpart, Vivian Balakrishnan, in Singapore on Wednesday (June 5). The talks centered on deepening bilateral relations, covering trade, investment, technology, and sustainable development. Both ministers underscored the importance of collaboration and signed a Memorandum of Understanding to establish regular bilateral consultations. Additionally, they signed a Statement of Intent on future cooperation in the transport sector, aiming to enhance connectivity. (See article)

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and First lady Zenash Tayachew traveled to South Korea earlier this week to attend the Korea-Africa Summit from June 4-5 where he was accompanied by a ministerial delegation. Upon arrival on Sunday (June 2), they were warmly welcomed in Chuncheon, where they laid a wreath at the monument for Ethiopian Korean War veterans and toured the Memorial Hall. This hall honors the Kagnew Battalion’s contributions, strengthening Ethiopia-South Korea ties.

Later on, the Premier was received by President Yoon Suk Yeol at the South Korean presidential office. They held bilateral discussions and signed a $1 billion financing framework agreement for projects to be implemented over the next four years.

On Tuesday (June 4), during the first Korea-Africa Summit, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed highlighted the historical ties between Africa and Korea dating back to the Korean War and emphasized the need for strengthened cooperation in various sectors. He proposed three key initiatives: establishing a Korea Africa Institute of Science and Technology in Addis Ababa to facilitate technology transfer and industrialization; promoting smart mobility through sustainable urban development and smart transportation systems; and enhancing partnerships on artificial intelligence and technological innovations to drive digital transformation. Additionally, he advocated for a resilient food security action plan, aligning African food sovereignty efforts with Korean smart farming technologies. The summit underscored the potential for shared growth and sustainable development through the Korea-Africa partnership.

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed congratulated Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and South African President Cyril Ramaphosa on their successful elections. He praised Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s peaceful election win, highlighting it as a testament to democracy and the people’s will. Similarly, Abiy commended President Cyril Ramaphosa for conducting a fair and transparent election, emphasizing his commitment to democratic values.

The Ethiopian National Dialogue Commission (ENDC) has officially launched the agenda-gathering phase of its national dialogue process, a significant step towards addressing the root causes of Ethiopia’s longstanding political and social issues. The launch ceremony, held at the Adwa Memorial Museum in Addis Ababa, was attended by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and other high-level officials. (See article)

Deputy Prime Minister Temesgen Truneh inaugurated the Ethiopian Startup Awards, which celebrate innovative entrepreneurs on Monday (June 3). The event, held in Addis Ababa, brought together senior government officials. The two-day program provided a platform for startups to showcase their ideas and compete for awards. Additionally, the event announced Ethiopia’s representatives in the Eastern Africa Startup Awards, enhancing motivation among participants and attendees.

A 79-member delegation from the Saudi Arabian Chambers of Trade, higher officials of the Saudi Arabian government and owners of different companies conducted a pre-investment visit to the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia on June 5–6. The visit aimed to assess and engage in different sectors of agriculture, energy and power, mining, manufacturing industries, construction and real estate, tourism, and trade. (See article)

Ethiopia underscored its dedication to a robust partnership with South Korea during the Korean-Africa Ministers’ Meeting on Sunday (June 2). Addressing the theme “The Future We Make Together: Shared Growth, Sustainability, and Solidarity,” Ethiopia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs highlighted the importance of historical ties, strategic cooperation, and joint efforts to address global challenges. (See article)

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia, Ambassador Taye Atske-Sellasie, held discussions with his Nigerian counterpart, Yusuf Maitama Tuggar, on ways of further strengthening the strategic partnership between the two countries during the first Korea-Africa Summit in Seoul, the capital of the Republic of Korea, on Tuesday (June 4).

Ambassador Taye met with the Qatari Ambassador to Ethiopia, Saad Mubarak Saad Al Jafali Al Naimi, in his office on Friday (May 31). During their meeting, they noted the need to revitalize the Joint Ministerial Commission and agreed to hold a Political Consultation this year to enhance cooperation between the two countries. Ambassador Saad also delivered a message from Qatar’s Prime Minister and Foreign Minister to Ambassador Taye.

State Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia, Ambassador Mesganu Arga received and conferred with Ambassador Elzein Ibrahim Hussein, the Ambassador Designate of the Republic of the Sudan in Ethiopia in his office on Thursday (June 6). The two parties exchanged views on the current situation in Sudan. The two sides also discussed the necessity of enhancing efforts to assist Sudanese brothers and sisters displaced by the conflict in Sudan.

A two-day training program took place in Addis Ababa for diplomats from South Sudan from June 5 to 6. The Institute for Foreign Affairs (IFA), in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia, organized the program with the aim of enhancing diplomatic skills and addressing regional challenges. The training provided a platform to discuss various topics, including negotiation strategies and peacebuilding, fostering an environment conducive to learning and collaboration.

Upon the conclusion of the training, Ambassador Mesganu Arga, State Minister for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, welcomed the South Sudanese diplomats to his office on Thursday (June 6), and delivered concluding remarks, congratulating them on the successful completion of the training. Ambassador Mesganu emphasized that the training was tailored to equip diplomats with valuable skills essential for navigating complex challenges in their future diplomatic engagements.

During the closing ceremony, Natalina Edward Mou, Ambassador of the Republic of South Sudan, expressed gratitude to the Institute of Foreign Affairs (IFA) and the FDRE Ministry of Foreign Affairs for organizing the training. The South Sudanese diplomats were presented with certificates of completion, acknowledging their successful participation and achievement of the training objectives.

Ethiopia made a notable move by signing the Final Act of the treaty on Intellectual Property (IP), Genetic Resources, and Associated Traditional Knowledge during the diplomatic conference hosted by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) from May 13 to 24, in Geneva. This signing represents a significant step in concluding decades of negotiations. (See article)

Addis Ababa hosted the first-ever African Biotechnology Congress on Tuesday (June 4), uniting experts and officials from across the continent. The event highlighted the pivotal role of biotechnology and innovation in addressing Africa’s challenges and driving sustainable development. Emphasis was placed on modernizing agriculture and fostering scientific research to boost productivity and food security.

The Accelerated Partnership for Renewables in Africa (APRA) country consultation workshop for Ethiopia was held in Addis Ababa on Monday (June 3). The workshop focused on devising an action plan to expedite Ethiopia’s energy transition, aligning with national priorities and frameworks for long-term sustainability. APRA, a consortium of African governments and stakeholders including Kenya, Ethiopia, Ghana, Namibia, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, and Zimbabwe, with support from Denmark, Germany, UAE, and the US, is leading efforts to accelerate the deployment of renewables-based energy systems. The workshop also underscored Ethiopia’s role as a regional energy supplier to neighboring countries like Sudan, Djibouti, and Kenya.

The Ethiopian Coffee and Tea Authority on Monday (June 3)  revealed to the media that a substantial 210,000 tons of coffee was exported to foreign markets within the last 10 months, generating 1 billion US dollars in revenue.

Abraham Belay, Minister of Irrigation and Lowlands, met with Giovanni Munoz, Chief of FAO East and Southern Africa Service, and Farayi Zimudzi, FAO Representative in Ethiopia, on Sunday (June 2) to discuss continuous cooperation between Ethiopia and the international agency. The Minister and members of the FAO delegation discussed how to increase technical support for Ethiopia’s planned flagship projects while also supporting the Ministry’s efforts to build irrigation regulations and standards.

On Monday (June 3), Ethiopia’s Ministry of Labor and Skills announced efforts to expand legal overseas employment opportunities for Ethiopians to Europe and Asia, in addition to the Middle East, Minister Muferihat Kamil stated. These efforts aim to ensure better payment and employer relationships while safeguarding citizens’ rights, dignity, and safety through legal agreements with respective countries. Over the past ten months, 304,000 citizens have secured overseas employment in countries with legal agreements with Ethiopia, with Ethiopian embassies providing support and efforts underway to strengthen people-to-people relations. The Minister emphasized the importance of caution against illegal trafficking and urged citizens to report any illegal activities to the ministry and law enforcement agencies. Currently, legal employment opportunities are available in Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Jordan, and Qatar, with recent Memoranda of Understanding signed with Beirut and Kuwait to further expand employment agreements.

An Ethiopian delegation led by Daniel Teressa, State Minister for Labour and Skills, is participating in the 112th International Labour Conference in Geneva, Switzerland, from June 3-14. During the plenary session on Wednesday (June 5) the State Minister highlighted Ethiopia’s efforts to implement and secure social justice, along with other reform activities by the Ministry of Labour and Skills. He emphasized the necessity of empowering youth and other potential groups, outlining the Ministry’s initiatives aimed at enhancing skills development, job creation, and equitable growth, as per the Ethiopian Permanent Mission in Geneva.

The Ethiopian Electric Power (EEP) announced on Wednesday (June 5) that the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) had exceeded its planned power generation targets for the past ten months of the 2023/24 Ethiopian fiscal year. The dam generated more than 2,700 gigawatt hours of electricity, which represents a 26 percent increase from the initial plan of 2,152.8 gigawatt hours.

The Ministry of Finance recently organized a roundtable discussion with the Development Partners Group (DPG) in Addis Ababa to advance private sector development under the Homegrown Economic Reform Agenda (HGER) 2.0. Held on Wednesday (June 5), the meeting aimed to highlight Ethiopia’s efforts in creating a conducive environment for private investment, addressing significant challenges, and implementing regulatory changes. Key government entities such as the Ministry of Trade and Regional Integration, the Ethiopian Investment Commission, and the Ethiopian Capital Market Authority provided updates on their initiatives to enhance the business climate. The discussion emphasized the importance of addressing institutional gaps and the role of the DPG in supporting these reforms.

Mayor of Addis Ababa City Administration, Adanech Abiebie, held a discussion with the Executive Director of C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group, Mark Watts, in Singapore on the sidelines of the World Cities Summit 2024 on Tuesday (June 4). The two sides discussed on [WU3] future areas of cooperation, including increasing cooperation in solid waste disposal and recycling of solid waste, expanding green development activities, and building inclusive public accommodation areas.

Boeing recently announced its decision to establish its African headquarters in Ethiopia, as the preferred location for the aerospace giant’s latest expansion plans on the continent.  (See article)


President Isaias Afwerki participated in the 2024 South Korea-Africa Summit with a presidential delegation that included Foreign Minister Osman Saleh. On Tuesday (June 4), on the sidelines of the summit, he held meetings with Akinwumi Adesina, President of the African Development Bank, to discuss multi-sectoral cooperation. He also met with Ahmed Attaf, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Algeria, to emphasize strengthening bilateral ties. Additionally, President Isaias met with President Julius Maada Bio of Sierra Leone to discuss Eritrea’s progress in water and agriculture.


A delegation led by the Deputy Chief of Staff of the Ethiopian National Defense Forces (ENDF), General Abebaw Tadese, attended the 47th anniversary celebrations of the founding of the Djiboutian National Army in Djibouti on Thursday (June 6). The ceremony was marked by various military parades and attended by senior government officials, defense attachés, and diplomats, including Djibouti’s Minister of Defense Hassan Omar Mohamed.

Ethio-Djibouti Railways Share Company and Ethiopian Shipping and Logistics (ESL) signed a partnership agreement on Monday (June 3). Aimed at enhancing collaboration in key national interest areas, the agreement was signed by CEOs Abdi Zenebe and Beriso Amelo. The agreement is expected to play a role in supporting the national economy and improving efficiency in goods transportation, as well as expedite the logistics sector through coordinated efforts between the two companies.

The Ethiopian Embassy in Djibouti, in collaboration with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Djibouti, repatriated 80 irregular Ethiopian migrants to Ethiopia via the Ethio-Djibouti railways on Monday (June 3).

Djibouti’s Minister of Economy and Finance, Ilyas Moussa Dawaleh, met with French counterpart Bruno Le Maire during a working visit to Paris on Tuesday (June 4). Their discussions focused on strengthening cooperative relations and economic diversification. The visit underscores the commitment of both countries to enhancing economic ties and exploring new cooperation opportunities.

Saudi Arabia signed a deal to establish a logistics zone in the port of Djibouti on Monday (June 3), leveraging Africa’s gateway to propel the Kingdom’s products and exports, fostering economic interplay. During a delegation visit of Saudi investors to the capital city of Djibouti, the contract was signed by Hassan Al-Huwaizi, president of the Federation of Saudi Chambers, and Aboubaker Omar Hadi, chairman of Djibouti Ports and Free Zones Authority.

The IMF’s recent press release on Tuesday (June 4) highlighted Djibouti’s economic progress post-pandemic, citing a 7% growth in 2023, largely due to the peace agreement in Ethiopia. With inflation staying low at around 1.8%, the outlook for 2024 remains cautiously optimistic, despite regional risks and budget constraints. Increased trade from Ethiopia and addressing the debt burden are seen as potential drivers for future growth and fiscal stability.


President William Ruto joined other African leaders at the South Korea-Africa summit from June 4-5. During the event, Kenya and South Korea inked a $485 million concessional development funding agreement on Tuesday (June 4), as part of the sideline activities of the summit.

Responding to the recent floods in Kenya, China has pledged a significant aid package worth $2.8 million USD to support the country’s recovery efforts. The announcement was made by the Chinese embassy in Kenya on Friday (May 31).


Somalia was elected a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council on Thursday (June 6). During a vote in the UN General Assembly, Somalia received a total endorsement from Africa and earned 179 votes, more than the two thirds majority needed to be elected. Following the vote, Somalia’s Foreign Affairs Minister Ahmed Fiqi, who led a delegation of Somali officials to New York, said his country would now take up “its position on the global stage”.

Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken spoke to Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud on a phone conversation and discussed shared security interests in the Horn of Africa, and the important role of the UN Assistance Mission in Somalia on Saturday (June 1).

Prime Minister Hamza Abdi Barre and his delegation attended the 2024 Korea – Africa Summit in the Republic of Korea. During the summit, he expressed his optimism about the future of economic partnerships between Somalia and Korea, stating that the summit had laid a strong foundation for future cooperation and growth.

The commander of the Somali National Army, General Ibrahim Sheikh Muhyadin, visited Italy on Wednesday (June 5), accompanied by the commander of the Italian army, Admiral Giuseppe Cavo Dragone. The visit focused on discussions aimed at strengthening cooperation between the two nations in areas such as military training, intelligence sharing, and joint operations.

The United Nations humanitarian agency on Monday (June 3) appealed for additional funds to respond to the impact of the Gu (April-to-June) rains in Somalia as dry conditions are predicted in the coming weeks.

A high-level Iraqi government delegation arrived in Mogadishu, where they were welcomed by senior Somali dignitaries on Wednesday (June 5). Subsequently, the two sides held a meeting to discuss cooperation between the nations.

South Sudan

South Sudan President Salva Kiir has called on the country’s citizens to embrace peace and unity, saying they are key pillars for development. He made the remarks during the swearing-in ceremony on Friday (May 31) of the newly-appointed governor of Jonglei State, Mahjub Biel Turuk in the capital, Juba.

Sudan and neighboring South Sudan discussed the resumption of oil transportation through Sudan’s territory. The meeting involved Sudan’s Transitional Sovereign Council Chairman, General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, and South Sudan’s presidential advisor on security, Tut Gatluak, who also delivered a written message from South Sudan’s President Salva Kiir.

South Sudan completed a $5 million national stadium project after over two years of construction. The high-level inaugural committee, comprising senior officials from the Ministry of Youth and Sports, announced the development at a news conference on Tuesday (June 4).


The UN World Food Programme (WFP) announced on Thursday (June 6) that it is urgently expanding its emergency food and nutrition assistance in Sudan amid the looming threat of famine, especially in El Fasher and Khartoum. The UN food agency is scaling up its efforts to provide life-saving food and nutrition assistance to an additional 5 million people by the end of this year, doubling the number of people WFP had planned to support at the start of 2024.

Member of the Sudan Sovereign Council, General Shams al-Din Kabbashi, and Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, commenced official visits to Niger and Mali on Tuesday (June 4). Accompanied by Defence Minister General Yassin Ibrahim, the delegation aims to enhance bilateral relations and explore opportunities for increased cooperation between the nations.

Sudanese Deputy Chairman of the Sovereign Council Malik Agar embarked on an official visit to Saint Petersburg to participate in the 27th Saint Petersburg International Economic Forum and bolster bilateral relations with Russia on Monday (June 3). Accompanied by the Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Finance, and Mining, to discuss a range of issues, including bilateral relations, the ongoing conflict in Sudan, and its broader regional and international implications.

The German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) announced a grant of USD12 million to support investment companies working in various agricultural fields in the states of eastern Sudan: Gedaref, Kassala, and Port Sudan on Monday (June 3).

As part of the efforts of the Federal Ministry of Health to provide health services in all the different states of Sudan, Monday (June 3), 20 tons of life-saving medicines were delivered to North Darfur State, through the National Fund for Medical Supplies and in cooperation with the Sudanese Armed Forces and the North Darfur State Government.

Sudan’s Ambassador to Russia, Mohamed Siraj, confirmed Sudan’s dedication to constructing a Russian naval base on the Red Sea. In an interview with Russian media on Saturday (June 1), the Ambassador emphasized that the project, a logistical support center, has been formally agreed upon by both nations.

Africa and the African Union

At the 2024 Korea-Africa Business Summit, the AfCFTA Secretariat and the Korea International Trade Agency (KITA) signed an MoU on Wednesday (June 5) to establish the Korea-Africa Economic Committee, aiming to enhance cooperation and promote business relations between Korea and Africa. The agreement seeks to boost intra-Africa trade, trade between Africa and Korea, and develop regional value chains. Additionally, Secretary-General Wamkele Mene led a discussion with African and Korean business leaders on policy frameworks, investment opportunities, and collaborative initiatives to support industrialization and investment promotion between the two partners.

The African Union (AU) Commission convened the 16th Ordinary Session of the Specialized Technical Committee on Defense, Safety, and Security (STCDSS) in Ethiopia on Wednesday (June 5). The meeting focused on fostering collaboration and addressing emerging security challenges on the continent. Preceding the STCDSS session were the 19th Ordinary Session of the African Chiefs of Defense Staff and Heads of Safety and Security Services (ACDS/HSS) on Tuesday (June 4) and the Preparatory Meeting of Experts on Monday (June 3).

The African Union has announced an August 6 deadline for aspirants to submit their applications for the chairperson and deputy chairperson positions of the AU Commission on Friday (May 31). Applicants must file their CVs and statements of vision through their respective countries.

The first African Union Pan-African Conference on Girls and Women’s Education took place from June 2-5, Ethiopia. The conference, under the theme “Prioritizing Girls and Women’s Education: A Strategy for Increased access to inclusive, lifelong, quality, and relevant learning in Africa,” aims to evaluate the status of girls and women’s education, explore sustainable financing opportunities, and advocate for gender-transformative policies.


The Ethiopian National Dialogue Commission begins the Agenda-item Gathering Process

The Ethiopian National Dialogue Commission (ENDC) officially announced the commencement of the agenda-gathering phase of the national dialogue process on Saturday (June 1). The announcement was made during a ceremony held at the Adwa Memorial Museum in Addis Ababa. The event saw the attendance of high-level government officials, including Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, alongside leaders of non-governmental institutions, diplomats, and various stakeholders.

The commencement ceremony follows a series of agenda-gathering discussion events held from Wednesday (May 29) to Tuesday (June 4). These sessions aim to identify the key topics for discussion, as outlined in Proclamation No. 1265/2021, which established the Ethiopian National Dialogue Commission. The agenda items will address the root causes of fundamental national issues and differences among various political and societal groups in Ethiopia.

Reflecting on the event, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed emphasized Ethiopia’s historical attempts to solve problems through wars and revolutions. He acknowledged the outcomes achieved through such means but noted that unresolved issues persist, trapping the nation in a cycle of violence. He stressed that dialogue is now essential and offers the opportunity to develop a culture of problem-solving through discussion rather than conflict. The Prime Minister highlighted that the dialogue process will help address and solve fundamental issues, promote a culture of consultation, and provide opposing groups the opportunity to work together with common understanding.

The Ethiopian National Dialogue process will unfold in several stages. Initially, the commissioners conducted discussions across Ethiopia’s regional states in two rounds: the first to introduce the commissioners to the public, and the second to explain the dialogue methodology. Over the past two and a half years, the ENDC commissioners have studied the challenges and successes of national dialogues in various countries.

The current agenda-gathering stage will be followed by a consultative process where selected agenda items will be deliberated publicly. Professor Mesfin Araya, Chairperson of the ENDC, noted during his remarks at the event that one thousand public representatives have been elected from ten regional states and two city administrations to identify agenda items for the dialogue. Following the opening ceremony in Addis Ababa, similar events will take place across the country.

The final stages of the dialogue process include implementation and monitoring. Proclamation No. 1265/2021 empowers the ENDC to prepare a document with recommendations from the dialogues, along with strategies for their implementation. This document will be submitted to the House of Peoples’ Representatives, the Executive organ, and relevant bodies, and will also be disclosed to the public.

Ultimately, the national dialogue process aims to develop a political culture that resolves longstanding internal issues through dialogue, creating a sustainable environment for democracy and lasting peace. It seeks to establish a firm foundation for national consensus and build a state with strong legitimacy.


Ethiopian and Singaporean Foreign Ministers Hold Extensive Bilateral Discussions

Ethiopia’s Foreign Minister, Ambassador Taye Atske-Selassie, held extensive discussions with his Singaporean counterpart, Vivian Balakrishnan, in Singapore. The high-level talks focused on strengthening bilateral relations and addressing key international issues. This meeting was held concurrently with Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s inaugural visit to Singapore, adding to the historical ties that date back to the 1960s when Emperor Haile Selassie I of Ethiopia and former Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore conducted exchange visits, laying the foundation for our enduring relationship.

The bilateral meeting underscored the deepening ties between Ethiopia and Singapore, with both ministers expressing commitment to enhancing cooperation across various sectors. Key agenda items included trade, investment, transport and logistics, technological exchange, and sustainable development.

Ambassador Taye Atske Selassie emphasized Singapore’s strategic position as a global financial hub and its advancements in smart development, the digital economy, and technological infrastructure. He highlighted Ethiopia’s growing economy and the potential for increased Singaporean investment in sectors such as manufacturing, smart mobility, urban development, smart agriculture, green development, technical education and tourism services.

In response, the Singaporean Foreign Minister reiterated Singapore’s interest in expanding its economic footprint in Africa, particularly in Ethiopia. He praised Ethiopia’s efforts in creating a conducive environment for foreign investors and expressed optimism about the future of Ethiopia-Singapore relations.

The discussions also covered international issues including multilateral cooperation. Both ministers agreed on the need for collaborative efforts to address global challenges and reaffirmed their countries’ commitment to working together within international frameworks.

The two foreign ministers signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on the Establishment of Bilateral Consultations between their respective Ministries of Foreign Affairs. This MoU aims to create more regular opportunities for the countries to exchange views on regional and global issues and explore new areas of cooperation. Additionally, a Statement of Intent was signed regarding a future cooperation on transport sector between Singapore’s Ministry of Transport and Ethiopia’s Ministry of Transport and Logistics. This agreement is expected to enhance connectivity and facilitate mutual benefits in the transport sector.

The Ethiopian Foreign Minister extended an invitation to Singaporean businesses to explore investment opportunities in Ethiopia and expressed hope for more high-level exchanges between the two nations. Prime Minister Abiy’s official visit marks a significant step forward in Ethiopia-Singapore relations, paving the way for stronger economic and diplomatic ties. Both sides look forward to building on this momentum in the coming months, with further discussions planned to finalize additional MOUs and agreements.

The Singaporean Foreign Minister commented on Ethiopia’s unique history, geography, and warm diplomatic ties with Singapore, noting the celebration of 55 years of diplomatic relations this year. He highlighted the extensive discussions on political and economic prospects for Ethiopia and Africa in the coming decades, emphasizing Africa’s abundant opportunities for trade and investment due to its natural resources and rapidly growing young population. He expressed enthusiasm for strengthening people-to-people ties and business connections between the two countries.


Ethiopia Calls for Strong Partnership during its Participation in the Korea-Africa Ministers Meeting

Ethiopia made a significant stride in bolstering its relationship with South Korea by actively participating in the Korea-Africa Ministers’ Meeting on Sunday (June 2). The meeting focused on the theme “The Future We Make Together: Shared Growth, Sustainability, and Solidarity.” During the meeting, a representative from Ethiopia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs delivered a speech on behalf of Ambassador Taye Atske-Selassie, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. The address highlighted the shared vision and collaborative goals for the 2024 Korea-Africa Summit.

Ethiopia’s address underscored the long-standing relationship between Africa and Korea, which dates back to Ethiopia’s support during the Korean War. The speech emphasized the importance of building on these historical ties to foster mutual trust and strategic cooperation. It also highlighted the necessity of joint efforts to address global challenges such as climate change, food insecurity, health crises, and energy shortages, further reaffirming Ethiopia’s commitment to sustainability and international cooperation.

The address also stressed that the Africa-Korea Summit provides a timely platform to devise enhanced international cooperation to overcome rapid global challenges such as climate change, conflicts, food insecurity, health, energy crises, and supply chain disruptions. Ethiopia called for Korea’s support in areas such as industrialization, sustainable agriculture, the digital economy, infrastructure, trade, and investment to drive sustainable economic development. The address underscored Ethiopia’s dedication to cultivating a strong and vibrant partnership with Korea for mutual prosperity.

During the meeting, several priority areas of cooperation were outlined in a reference document titled “Korea’s Endeavors for Cooperation with Africa,” presented by the Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This document reflected Korea’s commitment to a comprehensive partnership with African countries.

In the realm of trade and investment, the document emphasized the need to enhance trade relations, establish robust economic partnerships, and improve customs and export finance mechanisms. Addressing global challenges, it proposed launching dialogues on critical minerals, expanding agricultural aid, and collaborating on climate action to tackle pressing issues affecting both regions.

The development of sustainable infrastructure was highlighted, focusing on public-private partnerships and hosting special sessions on global infrastructure to foster growth and connectivity. In education and training, the meeting underscored the importance of increasing Korean scholarships, enhancing vocational training programs, and boosting academic exchanges to empower youth and strengthen human capital.

The digital transformation agenda prioritized the implementation of digital government systems, fostering technological innovation, and sharing knowledge programs to drive the digital economy forward.

To promote mutual understanding, the establishment of consultation bodies, the promotion of cultural exchanges, and enhancements in visa and aviation agreements were discussed, aiming to strengthen people-to-people connections.

Lastly, in the area of peace and security, Korea expressed its support for AU-led peace initiatives, reinforced the importance of UN Peacekeeping Operations, and called for enhanced African defense capabilities to ensure stability and security in the region.

The meeting was jointly led by Cho Tae-Yul, Foreign Minister of the Republic of Korea, and Mohamed Salem Ould Merzoug, Foreign Minister of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania.

The Ministers’ Meeting concluded with the adoption of the “Joint Declaration of the 2024 Korea-Africa Summit,” which was formally endorsed on Tuesday (June 4), by the heads of state and government.

Ethiopia’s participation in the Korea-Africa Ministers’ Meeting underscores its commitment to fostering a robust and mutually beneficial partnership with Korea. The discussions and agreements reached pave the way for stronger collaboration, addressing both regional and global challenges while promoting shared growth and development.


Saudi Arabia’s Business Delegation Pays a Visit to Ethiopia

A 79-member delegation from the Saudi Arabian Chambers of Trade, higher officials of the Saudi Arabian government and owners of different companies conducted a pre-investment visit to the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia on June 5–6. The visit aimed to assess and engage in different sectors of agriculture, energy and power, mining, manufacturing industries, construction and real estate, tourism, and trade.

During the visit, the delegation met with Abiy Ahmed, Prime Minister of the FDRE, and had extensive discussions on ways of attracting Saudi Arabian investment to Ethiopia. The delegation also visited tourist sites, industrial zones and complexes involved in food production and coffee, which set examples to understand available investment prospects across various sectors.

The Saudi Arabian business delegation also participated in a Trade and Investment Forum that was also held on June 5, 2024. The forum discussed investment opportunities, advantages, and incentives in Ethiopia, particularly in industrial areas, agriculture, energy, and other economic sectors, which are areas of common interest for both sides.

Plan and Development Minister Fitsum Assefa, in her opening remarks at the forum, called on Saudi businesspeople to invest in Ethiopia and utilize the country’s lucrative opportunities that have been facilitated to allure Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the past few years of the reform period. On his part, the President of the Federation of Saudi Arabia Business Council said the Business Forum will provide an effective platform for Saudi and Ethiopian businesses to introduce activities and form commercial partnerships.

At the conclusion of the forum, the Federation of Saudi Chambers and the Ethiopian Chamber of Commerce signed an agreement to establish a joint Saudi-Ethiopian Business Council. This agreement is an important step to advance economic cooperation between the two countries.

The trade volume between the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is about 341 million USD, which is much less than the potential that Ethiopia has to offer Saudi Arabia and the demand of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to consume in the export market of Ethiopia.

By the end of the visit, negotiations and discussions were held on areas of economic cooperation. The two countries signed a Memorandum of Understanding to cooperate and further strengthen their economic relations, especially trade and investment cooperation, for mutual interest.


Ethiopia Inks the Final Act on Intellectual Property, Genetic Resources and Associated Traditional Knowledge

Ethiopia made a notable move by signing the Final Act of the treaty on Intellectual Property (IP), Genetic Resources, and Associated Traditional Knowledge during the diplomatic conference hosted by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) from May 13 to 24, in Geneva. This signing represents a significant step in concluding decades of negotiations.

Ethiopia’s participation in the conference reflected its proactive engagement in ensuring that the treaty addressed the interests of all parties involved, particularly concerning its abundant genetic resources and traditional knowledge. The treaty’s provisions mandate transparency in patent applications based on genetic resources, requiring disclosure of the country of origin or source of these resources and the Indigenous Peoples or local community involved in providing the traditional knowledge. By enhancing the patent system’s efficacy and preventing erroneous grants for inventions lacking novelty or inventiveness in genetic resources and associated traditional knowledge, the treaty aims to promote fair and equitable utilization of such resources.

Woldu Yemessel, Director General of the Ethiopian Intellectual Property Authority, who signed the Final Act, emphasized Ethiopia’s commitment to responsibly leveraging its rich genetic resources and traditional knowledge. He highlighted the treaty as a collective effort to honor and preserve shared heritage, ensuring it remains a source of knowledge and prosperity for future generations. Ethiopia’s signing of the Final Act underscores its dedication to being an active participant in global agreements aimed at promoting sustainable development and equitable cooperation.

As the treaty awaits ratification by 15 countries to enter into force, Ethiopia’s signature alongside 25 other nations, primarily from Africa and Latin America, highlights its readiness to collaborate in addressing global challenges and advancing shared goals. By joining the treaty, Ethiopia reaffirms its commitment to protecting and promoting its cultural and natural heritage while contributing to global efforts for responsible and equitable utilization of genetic resources and associated traditional knowledge.


Boeing Chooses Ethiopia to be its African Headquarters

Boeing recently announced its decision to establish its African headquarters in Ethiopia, as the preferred location for the aerospace giant’s latest expansion plans on the continent. This decision was influenced by Ethiopia’s exceptional aviation safety record, its status as a popular travel destination in Africa, and Ethiopian Airlines’ strong partnership with Boeing.

Ethiopian Airlines, the leading carrier in Africa, has emerged as a key partner for Boeing in the region. In a statement released in March by Ethiopian Airlines, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed with Boeing for the purchase of the latest Boeing 777-9 airplanes. This agreement positions Ethiopian Airlines as the first African customer for the Boeing 777X, with plans to purchase up to 20 of Boeing’s 737 Max planes.

As part of its broader expansion strategy in Africa, Boeing forecasts that African carriers will require 1,030 new aircraft over the next two decades to meet international standards. In anticipation of the continent’s growing aviation industry, Ethiopian Airlines is currently expanding its airport hub and enhancing its repair, maintenance, and training facilities. Boeing’s decision to establish its headquarters in Addis Ababa, given its status as a diplomatic hub and the seat of the African Union, holds significant importance for Ethiopia’s aviation sector. According to Boeing’s statement, the headquarters’ establishment is expected to create over 300 job opportunities for locals.

This strategic decision highlights Boeing’s commitment to Ethiopia and the African aviation market, paving the way for a deeper partnership between Boeing and Ethiopia and fostering growth in the aviation sector for years to come. Boeing’s long-term vision and investment in Africa demonstrate its dedication to the continent’s aviation industry, facilitating mutual growth and development.

In connection with the establishment of its African headquarters in Ethiopia, Boeing has appointed Henok Teferra Shawl as the managing director for Boeing’s African division. His appointment brings extensive experience in aviation, telecommunications, and diplomatic affairs, having previously served as Ethiopia’s Ambassador to France, Spain, Portugal, Monaco, and the Holy See. His appointment further solidifies Boeing’s commitment to strengthening its ties with Ethiopia and engaging with key stakeholders in the region, contributing significantly to the enhancement of Ethiopia’s diplomatic relations with these countries.



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