A Week in the Horn

A Week in the Horn 14.06.2024

Ethiopia Advocates for Development and Cooperation at BRICS Meetings in Russia

Ethiopian and Singaporean Leaders Confer to Strengthen Bilateral Cooperation

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed Attends Korea-Africa Summit

Addis Ababa Hosts the 19th Meeting of African Chiefs of Defense Staff and Heads of Safety and Security Services



Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed welcomed Mahamoud Ali Youssouf, the Foreign Minister of Djibouti, to his office on Thursday (June 13). The Foreign Minister delivered a message from President Ismail Omar Guelleh of Djibouti. Prime Minister Abiy emphasized that these diplomatic exchanges serve as vital channels for dialogue and cooperation, fostering mutual understanding and collaboration on bilateral and regional matters of shared interest.

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed Ali and Amir of the State of Qatar, HH Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani discussed ways to support and develop cooperation between their countries in various fields during a phone call on Wednesday (June 12). They also addressed prominent regional and international developments of common concern.

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, accompanied by a high-level delegation, visited Singapore on Wednesday (June 5), marking a significant milestone in Ethiopia-Singapore relations. This landmark visit included high-level meetings, business forums, and experience-sharing sessions, setting the stage for future cooperation and mutual growth. The visit coincided with the 55th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Ethiopia and Singapore, reinforcing their friendly ties. (See article)

The Council of Ministers, chaired by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, held its 100-day performance evaluation meeting on Tuesday (June 11), initiating proceedings with a comprehensive review of key sectoral performances. The Prime Minister stated that the latest review by the Council of Ministers marks the last review of the current Ethiopian fiscal year. The Council reviewed sectoral performance to assess gaps and build on strengths.

Alongside the meeting, the Office of the Prime Minister announced that a book chronicling the decisions of the Council of Ministers from Ethiopian calendar 2010 to 2015 (2018-2023 GC) was launched on Tuesday (June 11). The book’s publication meticulously highlights the pivotal policy decisions formulated during that period.

Ethiopia, a pioneer in Africa-Korea relations, marked a significant diplomatic milestone with an official visit by Abiy Ahmed, Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, to the Republic of Korea. The visit, spanning from June 2–4, included participation in the 2024 Korea-Africa Summit, highlighting Ethiopia’s role as a central player in fostering Africa-Korea ties. (See article)

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, in its press release issued on Wednesday (June 12), stated that it is deeply saddened to learn about the tragic plane crash that claimed the lives of the Vice President of the Republic of Malawi, Saulos Klaus Chilima, and nine other Malawians. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs extended its deepest condolences to the bereaved families, friends, the government, and people of the Republic of Malawi for the loss they sustained.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia expressed its condolences over the passing of Ambassador of the Central African Republic to Ethiopia, Fernand Poukré-Kono, who passed away in Addis Ababa. In a heartfelt gesture, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Tuesday (June 11) conveyed its profound sympathies to the family, staff of the Embassy, and colleagues of the late Ambassador.  

A delegation led by Ambassador Taye Atske-Selassie, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia, participated in the annual meetings of BRICS Foreign Ministers and BRICS Dialogue with Emerging Markets and Developing Countries, held in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, from June 10-11. (See article)

Minister of Finance, Ahmed Shide, handed over a message from Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed to the Amir of the State of Qatar, His Highness Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, on Monday (June 10). The message is related to bilateral relations between the two countries and ways to enhance them.

In related news, Finance Minister Ahmed Shide met on Monday (June 10) with the Minister of Finance Ali bin Ahmed Al Kuwari to discuss ways to strengthen bilateral relations in the investment, financial, and economic fields, in addition to various topics of common concern.

State Minister for Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Mesganu Arga, received the UK Special Envoy to the Horn of Africa and Red Sea, Alison Blackburne, at his office on Thursday (June 13). They discussed bilateral issues of mutual concern, the latest developments in Ethiopia, peace and security issues in the Horn of Africa, and economic and development issues. They also exchanged views on strengthening the UK’s support for the international community’s efforts to ensure peace and stability in the Horn of Africa and to expand trade and investment in Ethiopia.

Additionally, on the same day, Ambassador Mesganu met with Simone Knapp, the Ambassador of the Republic of Austria to Ethiopia, to discuss bilateral relations between Ethiopia and Austria. They focused on efforts to build the capacity of Ethiopians involved in the mining sector by linking higher institutions and the Ministry of Mines of Ethiopia with relevant bodies in Austria.

Earlier in the week, on Tuesday (June 11), Ambassador Mesganu received and conferred with the Ambassador of Greece to Ethiopia, Anna Farrou. He emphasized the importance of enhancing Ethiopia-Greece relations in the people-to-people, economic, and political spheres and reiterated the necessity of regular political consultations to strengthen bilateral relations. They also deliberated on issues of mutual importance.

On Monday (June 10), Ambassador Mesganu had a meeting with Minister of Foreign Trade and Development of Finland, Ville Tavio. During their constructive dialogue, Minister Tavio expressed Finland’s intent to deepen and expand its trade and development cooperation with Ethiopia. The two sides agreed to convene the Ethio-Finnish Joint Political Consultation in the near future and discussed other bilateral matters as well as relevant international issues, reflecting a mutual desire to strengthen the partnership between Ethiopia and Finland.

On the same day, Ambassador Mesganu also met with the French Ambassador to Ethiopia, Rémi Maréchaux. He briefed the French Ambassador on Ethiopia’s commitment to the full implementation of the Pretoria Peace Agreement and expressed hope for continued international support. Their discussion included regional issues of common concern, particularly the need for cooperation to ensure peace and stability in the region. Additionally, Ambassador Mesganu met with the Deputy Head of Mission of the UK Embassy in Ethiopia, Andrew Ockenden. He appreciated the UK’s support for the Addis Ababa City Corridor Development Project, with Ockenden expressing his satisfaction with the project’s progress. They also discussed issues of common concern.

Ethiopia’s Minister of Finance Ahmed Shide delivered Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s written messages to the Amir of the State of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim ibn Hamad Al Thani, on Monday (June 10). The written message from PM Abiy Ahmed is regarding bilateral relations between Ethiopia and Qatar and ways to enhance these relations.

The Ethiopian government signed a US$43 million grant agreement with the African Development Bank (AfDB) to empower the agricultural sector and enhance the job creation agenda, the Ministry of Finance disclosed on Thursday (June 13). The grant will be channeled towards the Agricultural Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (Agri-MSMEs) Development for Jobs project, which aims to enhance the competitiveness, employment prospects, and overall development of micro, small, and medium enterprises in Ethiopia, according to the Ministry.

Ethiopia has become the 5th largest African economy, with a GDP worth 205.1 billion USD this year, and its GDP makes Ethiopia the 57th largest economy in the world, according to the IMF on Sunday (June 9).

Ethiopian Airlines officially resumed flights on Monday (June 10) to the historical city of Axum, a UNESCO World Heritage Site renowned for its cultural significance. In related news Ethiopian Airlines commenced services to Maun, its second destination in the Republic of Botswana after Gaborone, as of Monday (June 10).

Ethiopia’s successful economic performance over the past ten months in major macroeconomic sectors indicates the prospect of attaining the projected 7.9 percent growth for the current fiscal year. This was discussed during the final 100 days’ performance evaluation of the fiscal year, held earlier this week in a meeting attended by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed on Tuesday (June 11).

Ethiopia’s coffee industry is experiencing a robust year, with exports reaching a staggering $1.2 billion in the past 11 months, according to the Coffee and Tea Authority press statement released on Monday (June 10). This revenue stems from the export of 252,446 tons of coffee to international markets. In terms of revenue, the country earned $209.5 million in May 2024, exceeding the planned figure by 7%.

Ethiopia’s Ministry of Finance and the World Bank organized the Human Capital Operation (HCO) Joint Review and Implementation Support (JRIS) Mission National Workshop, which got underway on Tuesday (June 11).  The participants discussed the Human Capital Operation and what is expected of them during the implementation process, sharing useful experiences and drawing valuable lessons from the ESPES, ESAP, and other related reform programs.

The Ministry of Health, Women, and Social Affairs, Bonga University, and the Pan-African Public-Private Partnership Development Center signed a trilateral agreement on Wednesday (June 11) to build 2,000 health centers in various parts of Ethiopia.

The Ministry of Health, in collaboration with the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), launched a multi-sectoral initiative worth US$45 million to reach zero-dose children and communities in Ethiopia. The initiative is funded by the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF) and Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance. The initiative was launched in Addis Ababa on Monday (June 10), in the presence of Ethiopia’s Minister of Health, Dr. Mekdes Dhaba, UNICEF Country Representative, Abou Kampo, GAVI country office representatives, and other officials.

The Chief Commissioner of Ethiopian Federal Police, General Demelash Gebre-Mickael welcomed Nigeria’s National Defense College (NDC) delegation on Thursday (June 13), who are in Addis Ababa to exchange experiences. An experience sharing meeting themed “Protecting the Mining Sector for Strengthened National Security” was held between the two dignitaries here in Addis Ababa.

U-Report, an innovative digital platform that is designed to empower adolescents, young people in Ethiopia, was officially launched on Thursday (June 11) by various stakeholders in Addis Ababa. The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and Ministry of Women and Social Affairs (MoWSA), Ministry of Innovation and Technology (MInT), and Ethiopian Youth Council launched this digital platform.


Eritrea’s Director General of Social Welfare at the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare, Woldeyesus Elisa, attended the 112th Session of the International Labor Organization, which is taking place from June 3–14 in Geneva. In his address to the session, he underlined Eritrea’s readiness to cooperate with the organization to bolster social contracts, thereby advancing effective delivery of social justice as a basis for enduring stability.


Ethiopia’s Minister of Transport and Logistics, Alemu Seme, visited the Dorale Multi-Purpose Port in Djibouti on Thursday (June 13) to observe import-export transportation, particularly for fertilizer, and to discuss matters with the port’s CEO, Djama Ibrahim Darar.

Ethiopia’s Ambassador to Djibouti, Berhanu Tsegaye, held a meeting with Datoo Gaas Ali, CEO of AMOYTA, a company with a plan to open an industry in Ethiopia, on Sunday (June 9). The two sides discussed potential markets and how to work together to develop a cooperative strategy for effectively introducing the company’s products. AMOYTA is a Djibouti based company engaged in the production of baby and women’s hygiene products.

On an official visit to the Russian Federation, Djibouti’s Minister of National Education and Vocational Training, Moustapha Mohamed Mahamoud, held a bilateral meeting with his Russian counterpart, Sergei Kravtsov, on Tuesday (June 11). This meeting marks a step in strengthening educational relations between the two nations.


Kenya’s government reached a staff-level agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), which intends to pave the way for the disbursement of $976 million on Tuesday (June 11). According to the IMF, the agreement will be part of a comprehensive policy package needed to complete the seventh review of Kenya’s economic program under the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism EFF/ECF arrangements.

The Embassy of Ethiopia in Kenya participated on Saturday (June 8) in the 9th edition of Nairobi international cultural festival, which is organized by the National Museums of Kenya. Over 20 Embassies and Exhibitors showcased their cultural cuisine, music, dance, handcrafts and fashion products during the festival. It is estimated that the annual festival is toured by more than 8,000 visitors.


The President of Somalia, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, met with the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Norway, Jonas Gahr Støre, in Oslo on Tuesday (June 11). The meeting, which took place at the Prime Minister’s Office, was part of President Mohamud’s three-day working visit to Norway.

President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud held a phone call with His Highness Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, the Emir of the State of Qatar, on Wednesday (June 12).

The government of Somalia said it requires US$230 million to address the recovery efforts following the devastating 2023 Deyr floods that affected more than 2.5 million people. The rapid Post Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA) report prepared and released on Tuesday (June 11) by the government of Somalia in collaboration with the United Nations, the World Bank, and the European Union reveals that the 2023 Deyr floods caused US$176 million in losses and damages across sixteen districts.

On Sunday (June 9), ATMIS Police Commissioner CP Hillary Sao Kanu met with Nigerian and Ugandan Formed Police Unit (FPU) officers. The discussions centered on the security of the sectors. CP Kanu emphasized the importance of supporting the Somali Police Force (SPF) and other key partners to maintain peace and security in Somalia. She urged the FPU officers to continue mentoring their SPF counterparts to enhance policing standards across the country.

South Sudan

The Humanitarian Coordinator for South Sudan, Anita Kiki Gbeho, announced the release of $20 million from the South Sudan Humanitarian Fund (SSHF) on Tuesday (June 11). This funding aims to provide life-saving assistance to 290,000 of the most vulnerable individuals across several regions: Aweil East in Northern Bahr el Ghazal, Nasir in Upper Nile, Rubkona in Unity, and Pibor in the Greater Pibor Administrative Area.


The United Nations Security Council adopted a resolution demanding that the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) lift the siege of El Fasher in North Darfur, Sudan on Thursday (June 13). The resolution also calls for the withdrawal of all fighters who pose a threat to the safety and security of civilians. The resolution passed with 14 votes in favor and none against.

Sudanese Deputy Head of Sudan’s Transitional Sovereign Council, Malik Agar, met with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on Friday (June 7), reaffirming Sudan’s commitment to activating joint committees and agreements with Russia, including a bilateral military committee. Malik Agar also delivered a written message from Sudanese Sovereign Council President Abdel Fattah al-Burhan to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

A joint initiative between the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) and the African Development Bank (AfDB) has led to a remarkable 70% increase in wheat production across five Sudanese states, reports Sudanese media on Thursday (June 13). This achievement comes as a beacon of hope in the face of the country’s escalating hunger crisis, exacerbated by ongoing conflict and disrupted agricultural seasons.

The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) says it is urgently expanding its emergency food and nutrition assistance in Sudan amid the looming threat of famine. The UN food agency said it is scaling up to provide life-saving food and nutrition assistance to an additional 5 million people by the end of this year, doubling the number of people it had planned to support at the start of 2024.

The United Nations expressed concerns over the killing of humanitarians in Sudan after a sixth aid worker was killed on Tuesday (June 11).

Africa and the African Union

The 16th Specialized Technical Committee on Defense, Safety, and Security (STC-DSS) and the 19th African Chiefs of Defense Staff and Heads of Safety and Security Services (ACDSS) convened in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from June 3 to 5, 2024. These gatherings brought together high-ranking military officials, ministers, and heads of national security institutions from 40 African Union (AU) member states. (See article)

The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) Executive Secretary, Workneh Gebeyehu, held a productive meeting with Kamikawa Yoko, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Japan, on Wednesday (June 12) during his visit to Japan. The two sides agreed to continue cooperation for sustainable peace, gender-responsive policies, and, more specifically, to work together to resolve the conflict in the Republic of Sudan.

The African Union (AU) Commission’s Department of Infrastructure and Energy and Information and Communications Directorate held the Second Extraordinary Session of the Specialized Technical Committee on Communication and Information Communications Technology (STC-CICT) virtually from Tuesday (June 11) to Thursday (June 13). The session focused on presenting and approving the draft African Digital Compact and the Continental Artificial Intelligence (AI) Strategy, aiming to harness digital transformation and address its challenges. The meeting gathered ICT ministers, experts, and stakeholders to adopt these key strategic frameworks for submission to the AU Executive Council.

In a collaborative effort to support the AU Peace Fund, the Executive Management Committee and the African Union Staff Association initiated a voluntary contribution drive from AU staff on Friday (June 7). This initiative aims to enhance ownership, secure ongoing support, and supplement existing resources, setting a precedent for regional and global institutions to follow.

In a press release issued by the Bureau of the Chairperson of the African Union on Friday (June 7), Chairperson Mahamat also condemned the recent massacre in Wad Al-Nourah, Sudan, on Wednesday (June 5). He urged the warring parties to return to peace talks to resolve issues amicably.

Ethiopia Advocates for Development and Cooperation at BRICS Meetings in Russia

A delegation led by Ambassador Taye Atske-Selassie, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia, participated in the annual meetings of BRICS Foreign Ministers and BRICS Dialogue with Emerging Markets and Developing Countries, held in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, from June 10-11.

In his remarks to the BRICS ministerial meeting, Minister Taye highlighted the importance Ethiopia places on its membership in BRICS. He outlined Ethiopia’s commitment to playing a constructive and active role in the BRICS family in accordance with its national development priorities. Ethiopia also eyes membership in the New Development Bank.

The Minister stressed that the BRICS framework is a crucial tool for advancing international cooperation on global and regional issues in an unpredictable world characterized by geopolitical tensions, climate change crises, terrorism, extreme poverty, and yawning inequality that hard hit developing countries. Development should be at the center of the global discourse, he stated.

Ambassador Taye emphasized the imperative of retooling multilateral institutions and increasing development financing and debt relief to accommodate the legitimate interests of emerging markets and developing countries. He called for international institutions to reflect the current economic realities of emerging markets and developing countries, enabling them to play an active and meaningful role in global political and financial governance.

Furthermore, he noted that BRICS is a family of nations determined to promote shared prosperity based on consensus and solidarity, as well as a voice for peace and development. In this regard, he affirmed Ethiopia’s resolve in the collective pursuit of peace and progress, inclusive and sustainable development, and effective multilateralism.

The Ministerial meeting adopted a Joint Statement that covered various regional and global issues of common concern. The Joint Statement heralded BRICS’ common perspectives and demonstrated a strong and unified message of unity and solidarity. The statement welcomed the active participation of the new members of BRICS and assured continued support for their seamless and full integration into BRICS cooperation mechanisms. It also encouraged the New Development Bank to prioritize BRICS member countries in their membership applications and called for the reform of the governance of international financial institutions.

The Joint Statement acknowledged the need to reform the UNSC to make it more democratic, efficient, and inclusive, particularly considering existing African positions and decisions. It emphasized the motto ‘African Solutions for African Problems’ and the critical role of the African Union in promoting peace in Africa, ingraining a strong resolve to achieve global development goals. Additionally, it emphasized the need to further strengthen intra-BRICS collaboration, mainly in the economic sphere, and to jointly address global challenges.

The Ministers reiterated their commitment to multilateralism and upholding international law, including the purposes and principles enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations (UN) as its indispensable cornerstone, and the central role of the UN.

On the second day of the session, Tuesday (June 11), the BRICS Foreign Ministers held a meeting of ‘BRICS Dialogue with Emerging Markets and Developing Countries’, in which 15 foreign ministers of invited countries participated. During this meeting, Minister Taye delivered a statement underscoring the importance of charting a realistic way forward for emerging markets and developing countries to fully realize their development potential. He further stressed the necessity of leveraging concrete partnerships in the spirit of solidarity to achieve shared prosperity and peace. Moreover, the Minister stated that forging closer partnerships between BRICS and emerging markets and developing countries is critical to realizing the collective aspirations of humanity.

The third meeting of BRICS Sherpas and Sous Sherpas, from June 6-9, preceded the Ministerial meeting. The Ethiopian delegation, led by the Governor of the National Bank and Ethiopia’s BRICS Sherpa, Mamo Esmelealem Mihretu, delivered a statement underscoring the importance of genuine global support and cooperation while stressing the contribution of the BRICS family in promoting sustainable and inclusive development.   

Ethiopian and Singaporean Leaders Confer to Strengthen Bilateral Cooperation

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, accompanied by a high-level delegation, visited Singapore on Wednesday (June 5), marking a significant milestone in Ethiopia-Singapore relations. This landmark visit included high-level meetings, business forums, and experience-sharing sessions, setting the stage for future cooperation and mutual growth. The visit coincided with the 55th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Ethiopia and Singapore, reinforcing their friendly ties.

Prime Minister Abiy received an official welcome at the Istana and had separate meetings with President Tharman Shanmugaratnam and Prime Minister Lawrence Wong. Prime Minister Wong also hosted an official dinner in honor of Prime Minister Abiy.

Accompanying Prime Minister Abiy were First Lady Zinash Tayachew, Minister of Foreign Affairs Taye Atskeselassie, Minister of Finance Ahmed Shide, Minister and Head of Government Communications Service Legesse Tulu, Minister of Education Professor Berhanu Nega, Minister of Peace Binalf Andualem, Minister of Mines Habtamu Tegegne, Minister of Cabinet Affairs Alemtsehay Paulos, Minister and Social Affairs Advisor Daniel Kibret, Press Secretary Billene Seyoum, and other government officials.

The delegation engaged in extensive discussions with President Shanmugaratnam and Prime Minister Wong, focusing on strengthening bilateral relations and enhancing economic cooperation. A highlight of the visit was the signing of crucial agreements, including a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Bilateral Consultations and a Statement of Intent on Logistics and Transport Cooperation. These agreements aim to facilitate regular dialogues on regional and global issues and enhance connectivity in the transport sector.

The Ethiopian delegation conducted site visits to key Singaporean institutions and projects, gaining insights into Singapore’s advanced technological infrastructure, regional transport and logistics hub, urban planning, smart nation development strategies, and digital economy. These visits provided opportunities for knowledge exchange and potential collaboration in urban planning, technology, and innovation.

A significant event during the visit was the Ethiopia-Singapore Business Forum, organized by the Singapore Business Federation. Major Singaporean companies participated, expressing strong interest in investing in Ethiopia, particularly in the agricultural sector, infrastructure development, renewable energy, technology, and innovation. The forum highlighted Ethiopia’s vast investment potential, showcasing its strategic location and abundant natural resources. Singaporean investors expressed keen interest in exploring business prospects in Ethiopia, citing the country’s diverse investment potential and government incentives.

Key engagements included meetings between Ethiopian Foreign Minister Taye Atskeselassie and his Singaporean counterpart, Vivian Balakrishnan, as well as between Ethiopian Finance Minister Ahmed Shide and Singaporean Minister Indranee Rajah. Other key officials from both nations also met to discuss various aspects of bilateral cooperation.

Prior to the official visit, the 9th World Cities Summit took place in Singapore from June 2-4, where Addis Ababa Mayor Adanech Abiebie and her delegation participated. The summit focused on making cities livable and sustainable, with themes of rejuvenation, reinvention, and reimagining cities. The mayor met with several city mayors and Singaporean officials to strengthen city-to-city ties and promote better urban livelihoods.

Singapore’s remarkable journey from poverty to prosperity serves as a shining example for African nations seeking economic advancement. Key factors include pragmatic leadership, efficient public bureaucracy, strict anti-corruption measures, and strategic investments in education and skills development. The city-state’s commitment to high-quality education and continuous learning programs has produced a highly skilled workforce, driving innovation and productivity.

Additionally, Singapore’s proactive green urban planning and world-class infrastructure development, including efficient public transport and advanced technological systems, have significantly contributed to its economic dynamism. The conducive business environment, characterized by ease of doing business reforms and support for startups, has nurtured a vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystem.

Singapore and Ethiopia have enjoyed a long-standing diplomatic relationship, marking 55 years of cooperation in 2024. Reflecting on historical ties dating back to the 1960s, with exchanges between Emperor Haile Selassie I of Ethiopia and former Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s visit promises to boost bilateral relations and open new avenues for cooperation.

Both countries are currently exchanging drafts for additional agreements, further strengthening their economic partnership. Future initiatives will focus on leveraging Ethiopia’s position as a new frontier market, with a productive labor force and access to the African continental single market and other markets.

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s visit to Singapore has set a positive trajectory for Ethiopia-Singapore relations, marked by productive discussions, strategic agreements, and promising business engagements. Both nations look forward to building on this momentum, fostering stronger economic and diplomatic ties, and exploring new opportunities for mutual growth and development.

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed Attends Korea-Africa Summit

Ethiopia, a pioneer in Africa-Korea relations, marked a significant diplomatic milestone with an official visit by Abiy Ahmed, Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, to the Republic of Korea. The visit, spanning from June 2–4, included participation in the 2024 Korea-Africa Summit, highlighting Ethiopia’s role as a central player in fostering Africa-Korea ties.

The visit commenced on Sunday (June 2) with an official bilateral meeting between Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol. During this summit, the leaders discussed ways to enhance the longstanding and historic ties between Ethiopia and Korea. Prime Minister Abiy emphasized the deep-rooted history shared by the two nations, notably Ethiopia’s unwavering support during the Korean War. He expressed optimism about future collaborative efforts to strengthen this partnership.

President Yoon Suk Yeol, in his remarks, expressed gratitude for Ethiopia’s military support during the Korean War, highlighting the country’s dedication and sacrifice. He reaffirmed Korea’s commitment to enhancing trade and investment relations with Ethiopia and pledged financial aid to support Ethiopia’s development initiatives. Both leaders agreed to foster closer collaboration in technology transfer and agricultural transformation.

The Republic of Korea is very well known to have immense experience harmonized with its progress, and those bilateral talks between the two leaders paved the way for further cooperation in experience sharing among the two countries. In this respect, the Republic of Korea has pledged to share its best experiences in technology and economic sectors with Ethiopia.

Key Agreements and Initiatives

Following their bilateral discussions, the leaders witnessed the signing of a US$1 billion “Framework Agreement between the Government of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and the Republic of Korea Concerning Loans from the Economic Development Cooperation Fund for the Years 2024 through 2028.” This agreement aims to support infrastructure, science and technology capacity building, health, and urban development projects over the next four years, further cementing the ties between the two nations.

Additionally, Ethiopia and Korea formalized a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Ethiopia’s Federal Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission and Korea’s Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission. This MoU underscores Korea’s commitment to sharing its extensive experience in technology and economic sectors with Ethiopia.

Honoring Historical Bonds

During the visit, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and First Lady Zinash Tayachew paid homage to Ethiopian veterans of the Korean War by visiting the city of Chuncheon. They laid a wreath at the monument dedicated to the Ethiopian Kagnew Battalion, which fought alongside South Korean and United Nations forces during the war. The Memorial Hall visit highlighted the sacrifices and contributions of Ethiopian soldiers, reinforcing the historical bond between the two nations.

The 2024 Korea-Africa Summit

On Tuesday (June 4), Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed joined the 2024 Korea-Africa Summit held at Kintex in Goyang, Gyeonggi Province. The summit, themed “The Future We Make Together: Shared Growth, Sustainability, and Solidarity,” brought together delegations from 48 African countries, including 25 state leaders. Prime Minister Abiy’s remarks at the summit emphasized the historical significance of Ethiopia’s support during the Korean War and its role as a gateway to Africa.

Prime Minister Abiy highlighted Ethiopia’s proactive steps in addressing food, climate, and energy crises through initiatives like the Green Legacy and Food Sovereignty Initiatives. He also commended Korea’s substantial support for development cooperation and its role in promoting green development, aligning with Africa’s sustainable growth goals.

In his address, Prime Minister Abiy proposed several forward-looking initiatives to shape the future of Korea-Africa partnerships sustainably. These included establishing a Korea-Africa Institute of Science and Technology, forging a Korea-Africa Joint Declaration on Comprehensive Cooperation for Smart Mobility, creating a Korea-Africa Digital Economic Partnership Agreement, and formulating a Korea-Africa Action Plan for Resilient Food Security.

Prime Minister Abiy stressed the importance of harnessing the full potential of Korea-Africa relations to create new momentum for sustainability, aiming to forge a future-oriented strategic partnership that leaves a lasting impact.

The summit concluded with Korea’s commitment to injecting $14 billion in export financing to support Korean companies investing in Africa and increasing its official development assistance (ODA) to $10 billion by 2030. The 22-point joint declaration focused on shared growth, sustainability, and solidarity, highlighting Korea’s role as a key partner in Africa’s development journey.

The 2024 Korea-Africa Summit underscored the importance of addressing Africa’s agendas and international issues of common concern, providing a valuable platform for African nations to engage closely with Korea.

Addis Ababa Hosts the 19th Meeting of African Chiefs of Defense Staff and Heads of Safety and Security Services

The 16th Specialized Technical Committee on Defense, Safety, and Security (STC-DSS) and the 19th African Chiefs of Defense Staff and Heads of Safety and Security Services (ACDSS) convened in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from June 3 to 5, 2024. These gatherings brought together high-ranking military officials, ministers, and heads of national security institutions from 40 African Union (AU) member states.

Representing Ethiopia were esteemed figures such as Lieutenant General Sebsebe Dubale and Major General Teshome Gemechu. Notably, Defense Minister H.E. Eng. Aisha Mohammed also lent her presence to the discussions, underscoring Ethiopia’s commitment to addressing Africa’s security challenges.

In the opening session of the Ministers of Defense segment, Ambassador Bankole Adeoye, Commissioner for Political Affairs, Peace, and Security (CPAPS), addressed the attendees. He highlighted the continent’s growing challenges in peace and security, citing factors such as violent extremism, terrorism, and foreign interventions, urging for the full operationalization of the African Standby Force.

Alhaji Sarjoh Bah, Director of the Conflict Management Directorate, emphasized the critical importance of the 2004 Common African Defence and Security Policy (CADSP) and commended progress in implementing the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement (CoHA) and Resolution 2719, facilitating African peace support operations.

Moreover, Defense Minister Aisha reiterated the persistent and transnational nature of Africa’s peace and security challenges, affirming Ethiopia’s commitment to supporting the AU Commission’s efforts, particularly in achieving the ambitious goals outlined in Agenda 2063. She also expressed gratitude for the AU’s support of Ethiopia’s Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration Program.

The STC, as a principal AU organ on security and defense, focused on overseeing the full operationalization of the African Peace and Security Architecture. Deliberations included crucial agenda items on the operationalization of the African Standby Force and the strategic lift concept, resulting in the endorsement of strategic recommendations for enhanced continental security and cooperation.

The committee concluded its work by adopting the report of the 16th STC-DSS meeting, to be submitted to the 45th Ordinary Session of the Executive Council of the African Union and for final adoption at the 38th Ordinary Session of the Assembly of the Union in February 2025.


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